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دنیا اور آخرت ۔ دونوں ہی جنّت

From the Blog theajmals اگر ہم اپنے چھوٹے چھوٹے دُکھ بھُلا دیں اور اپنی چھوٹی چھوٹی خوشیاں یاد رکھیں اگر ہم اپنے چھوٹے چھوٹے نقصان بھُلا دیں اور جو فائدے پائے ان سب کو یاد رکھیں اگر ہم لوگوں میں عیب ڈھونڈنا چھوڑ دیں اور ان میں خوبیاں تلاش کر کے یاد رکھیں کتنی آرام دہ ۔ خوش کن اور اطمینان بخش یہ دنیا بن جائے اس معمولی کوشش سے اور اللہ کی مہربانی سے آخرت میں بھی جنّت مل جائے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Protesting for reform in education, getting charged with sedition

From the Blog mehmal*Students held rallies across 50 Pakistani cities seeking greater say in the running of universities* On November 29, thousands of students marched in 50 cities of Pakistan for their rights. Their main demands included calls to the authorities to lift the ban on student unions, increase the education budget, provide better facilities at educational institutions and take action against people involved in sexual harassment. Student unions have been banned in Pakistan for 35 years. Taimur Rahman, an academic, musician and political activist, said student unions are nurseries for the future political leadership in a democratic society. "[They] are the practical training grounds to groom students to understand consensus building, alliance building, canvassing for votes, running for pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4465274642523960428 Pakistani Blog Posts


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