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The Real Lessons of Indo-Pak Tension 2019 from the pen of a Veteran

From the Blog firewithin-jhb Without going into needless verbosity, here in bullets is my opinion about the recent Indo-Pak flareup. 1. Pakistan has won the first round hands down both militarily and in international perception. Not only that, Modi's folly has brought the Kashmir issue back on the world stage slam bang. It needs an urgent settlement. 2. Modi's status as the leader of the largest democracy stands eroded while Pakistan's PM is overnight being seen as a statesman. Pak leadership must continue to speak softly but carry a big stick. 3. India has to learn not to give knee-jerk responses to isolated terrorist occurrences. They invariably end up with egg on their faces. In the end, talk-talk is better than war-war. 4. That Pulwama was an inside job is fast becoming known. Regardless, Pakistan must pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1718996257007357788 Pakistani Blog Posts


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