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5 March 1966: A day when Indian Air Force Bombed its own people

From the Blog firewithin-jhb India claims itself to be a secular state where all religions are free to function as per their aspirations. But is it really true? The ongoing freedom struggle of the Kashmiris and its suppression with the brute force is not hidden from the world. Thousands of Kashmiri Muslims seeking freedom from India have been martyred and thousands and thousands maimed and injured for life in the recent years. This shows that anyone is welcome to live in India provided they agree to be subservient to the majority Hindu population and sing Banday Matram to show their allegiance to the state. But are Kashmiris the only ones who are being suppressed and silenced? Nay, you will be surprised to know that on this day, 5th March 1961, India used its air force to bomb its own people - an event lepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9207672824144497502 Pakistani Blog Posts


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