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Stashbuster Spirals Iii

From the Blog ummeyusufThere have been a number of pairs of handknitted socks sitting in my mending bag for a very long time. Most of them were badly damaged and I postponed dealing with them for as long as I could. But spring brings with it an urge to spring clean and in an attempt to tidy up my craft space, I decided to sort them out. I frogged four pairs of socks, mostly dicarding the foot portions and salvaging the yarn from leg portions of the sock. I decided to reknit them. I got two pairs out of it. This is the first one. It is the third time I have knit the pattern. It is just a very good wzy to knit up leftover/ oddball yarns into a beautiful pair of socks. These turned out pretty good. I was a but worried how the socks would hold up but I have worn them for a few days and they are doing fine. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7797261056923336508 Pakistani Blog Posts


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