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More of Facebook's Shady Deals Surface in New Lawsuit

From the Blog propakistani Facebook is still in a rebound from the data breach issues and the Cambridge Analytica scandal that surfaced in the past few years. On top of that, the news of Facebook facing criminal charges has just come up in a report by The New York Times. Reports and records from two well-known smartphone makers have been sought. NY Times reports that two people who had the information regarding Facebook's data deals came forward but have requested anonymity. The Deal Facebook has supposedly made deals with these smartphone manufacturers to provide them with personal information of millions of users. This information includes friends, personal information, contacts etc. In most cases, the information was shared without consent. In one of its statements, Facebook has said that it is cooppakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4947931445813259067 Pakistani Blog Posts


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