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Serving parents on Hajj

From the Blog ashrafiya *Sayyidi* *wa sanadi *Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve & protect him) instructed brothers proceeding for Hajj with their parents, 'You will get reward for two Hajj. One for your's and the other for facilitating the Hajj of your respected parents. Remember that serving your parents on this blessed journey is most meritorious. The service you provide to them will compensate for all extra worship, like *nafil* *tawaf*, etc. (Therefore, consider yourself to be fortunate and avail this opportunity to the best of your ability.) Office Darul Uloom Karachi, 28/7/2018, after zohar pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6448479642773009419 Pakistani Blog Posts


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