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Why is PIA Losing Money Amid Air Travel Boom in Pakistan?

From the Blog riazhaqWhat is behind the domestic and international aviation boom in India and Pakistan? Why is Pakistan doing better than India in terms of international passenger growth while badly lagging in domestic air travel? Passenger Aircraft at Karachi International AirportWhat has happened to the global airline industry since the passage of the US Deregulation Act of 1978? Why did many big airlines of yesteryears die in spite of huge growth of air travel? How did so many upstart low-cost carriers succeed while state-owned airlines failed? Why are the domestic air fares in Pakistan three times higher than those in India for similar distances? Why does state-owned PIA control two-thirds of Pakistan's domestic market? Why isn't there more competition on domestic routes in Pakistan? Why are stpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2585242771985913526 Pakistani Blog Posts


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