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Identity (او تسی ہو کون)

From the Blog blog What do you do? Some find it easy to answer this question. I don't. I find it hard to put a circle around what I do. The reason for that is deceptively simple: I don't want to tag myself as someone because identity is super important. Note, I don't mean the identity you say when you introduce yourself. I mean the identity you tell yourself. Who are you? *That* is super important indeed. In fact, it is part of the most powerful story ever told. I have a video coming up on how "identity issues" is what caused the railroad companies during the American gold rush to miss out on the then upcoming airplane business. Also, how these days the publishing industry is dying because they identify as paper sellers rather than content sellers. (Subscribe here to join MomekhNama, a weeklypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Attend the Web Summit 2018 in Lisbon.

From the Blog faisalkhan Want to attend the Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal this year? Well, I am willing to sponsor 100% of the trip for a deserving boy and a girl from Pakistan. I have cited on many forums and wanted to reiterate my commitment to sending two people from Pakistan (one boy, one girl) to WebSummit that would be happening in Lisbon, Portugal later this year. I would be willing to sponsor the event ticket, flight costs, and hotel stay plus small TA/DA for the duration of the trip. There is NO catch. No 'wear my t-shirt' or whatever. The ONLY thing they must do is to document the entire experience on a blog, something where we shall put a limit of say minimum 2,000 words. I am NOT going to be sponsoring any information for the visa. The VISA arrangement they need to do themselves. I hopepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4629899217416597566 Pakistani Blog Posts


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