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O Lord, fill Muslim's heart with desire ardent

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: Image may contain: 1 person] O Lord, fill Muslim's heart with desire ardent that stirs his heart and make his soul fervent Illumine each speck of dust in valley of Faran Let us yearn for and urge worth valley of Faran Let mislead envision the entire insight Let others too envision what I do sight Lead right way to the attached to city, deer Lead to desert vastness over to the lost deer Stir up and trigger the bleak heart fervent Let the vacant hearts liven up to be ardent In this era of unrest when each heart's uneasy Lighten hearts' sore with Thy glorious mercy Let us envision catastrophe ahead of time Enable us to realize way out ahead of time Me a sad nightingale of a crushed garden In today's anguish let us bear and sustain Stir up and trigger the bleak heartpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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