How Will Money Transfer Look Like In 5 Years Time?
From the blog faisalkhan In 2012, I answered a question on Quora, How will money transferring between countries look in five years? I did not edit or touch the answer in any manner for five years. Well, now that the 5 years are up and over with, let's do a check on where I was right and where I was wrong on my predictions? My answer can be viewed here, pasted below in Blue. - *TRANSACTION & SETTLEMENT TIMES: The biggest change you would see is the ability to make the end-to-end transaction as near to real-time as possible for the two parties between which money is being remitted. The second factor is the near real-time settlement between the two financial institutions that were doing the remittance (i.e. Sender's Bank and Beneficiary's Bank).* *VERDICT:* Did not happen fully. Whpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
Dating on Campus
From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi Girls : Dating on Campus, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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