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Do we have a Sound Counter Terrorism Strategy?

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Amir Hayat* Pakistan has made a great progress in contending internal terrorism for the last three years. Pakistan Army has conducted series of operations starting from "Zarb-e-Azb" to "Operation Raadul Fassad". Due to these military actions, most of the terroristz absconded to neighboring Afghanistan or killed when showed confrontation. Now the regime has extended its control to tribal areas and is trying to establish the rule of law with strong presence of army. The suicide attacks and bombings in urban parts of the country have reduced significantly. Prior to the start of military actions, the government tried to engage these terror groups for a dialogue and peaceful surrender. At that time, both segments of the society, liberals and conservatives came up with differenpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1792123795022948200 Pakistani Blog Posts


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