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Consuming Art ft. Matty Healy's Wisdom

From the Blog noorsplace[image: Noor Unnahar essay writing tumblr indie grunge aesthetic photography ideas inspiration creative] While hunting for published interviews of my favorite, absolutely brilliant indie music icon Matty Healy, who is the frontman of The 1975 (an English rock band), I came across an interview the band gave to The Big Issue. Their interview was intimate & artistically nonchalant. But one part stood out so vibrantly, it has thus stayed with me. *I remember I sat in a park with a girl for about two hours talking with her about her parents breaking up. Now I realize my responsibility ends with my music.* (The Big Issue October 10, 2016) When I first listened to The 1975's song *Somebody Else*, I too wanted Matty Healy to give me a customized solution for my issues since his songs cpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6042291122228645776 Pakistani Blog Posts


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