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Mental Illness And An Ableist Society

From the Blog hassanqadeerbuttIn his last conversation, after telling the reporter that he has Bipolar Disorder and Depression, Amir Zaki forbids him to make this information public. This is because 'admitting you have problems is problematic for this society. All I have to do is appear 'alright' and hide the darkness in my soul, and the sponsors will love me! It's pro-business you know.' This 'pro-business' notion of favoring an individual who is more 'able', one that does not have 'problems' that might get in the way of business, is the essence of Ableism. The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines Ableism as 'discrimination or prejudice against individuals with disabilities'. Before explaining the discrimination, it's important to further expand the definition of disability because normally people have a vepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8424973396551881676 Pakistani Blog Posts


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