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Egyptian Food Festival at Asia Live, Avari Towers

From the Blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesOnce again, I am back with another food post, but I am glad that most of you guys do appreciate these. So, last Saturday I got to attend the Egyptian Food Festival at Avari Towers, and here is all that you need to know about it. Now, I have had Middle Eastern food a lot in this lifetime for I have been to quite a few Arab countries and also do have family friends from the Middle East. Personally speaking, I love my spices so I do prefer Pakistani food over everything, but there are obviously tasty treats that the Middle East has to offer as well. That being said, this was my first time trying out Egyptian cuisine and boy, I was excited. Egypt has such a rich historical background and I am so intrigued by it that I went in expecting that it would somehow reflect in the food as wepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7532823388628146684 Pakistani Blog Posts


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