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Can Smartphone Camera Phones Be a Good Replacement For DSLRS?

From the blog propakistani What's that one thing we tend to go for every single time when we're about to go for a new phone? The camera? The OS? Or the size of the phone? All these features play an enormous role in helping a smartphone user come to a conclusion about the phone they want. With a new […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Lal Qela, Birmingham – A Desi Food Hub in UK

From the blog cheflingtales Just after a few months of coming to the UK, the inner desi food desires start to kick in and the urge to unite with desi Pakistani food tends to arise. With the increasing Pakistani community in the UK, there has been a massive increase in the number of places offering Pakistani cuisine, but finding quality and authentic Pakistani food still remains a challenge. For the surety of finding tasty desi halal food, one heads to Birmingham without a second thought, mini Pakistan as they call it! The city offers a wide variety of Pakistani dishes at every nook and cranny in this vibrant bustling city. In certain areas, the number of Pakistanis help one feel as if they are not even outside of Pakistan. The desi food hunt led us to a small eatery on the beginning of Alum Rock (the hubpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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