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Oh Fudge! An Inspiring Tale For Would-Be Home Bakers

From the Blog cheflingtales I first stepped into the kitchen at the age of 10. Creating dishes and experimenting with food fascinated me. I was also always hungry. The look on people's faces when they tried a well made (or not) meal I had made was pure joy for me. Be it a simple batch of French fries, an experimental omelette with ketchup inside instead of tomatoes, or a cake I'd baked with my mom and brother; cooking has always been a love of mine. As an adult, I had never really thought about entrepreneurship as a career option. It did make me wonder, and I was impressed with people who managed to pull it off. When I was 21, I'd look around me and see so many of my peers starting and successfully running their own small home-based businesses; but I didn't think I could be one of those people. It just pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2690996275250991698 Pakistani Blog Posts


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