Lesser Evilism in the US Oligarchy
From the Blog sakibahmadIn my family there was a widespread acceptance that the presidential election in the US Oligarchy was being contested by two "evil" personalities. The disagreement arose on which of the two was the Lesser Evil. In the morning of November 9, with Donald Trump's triumphant face dominating TV screens, a member of my family announced that the Lesser Evil had won, which seemed quite obvious to me. However, that announcement was immediately contradicted. I came to realise that the general feeling in my family was to regard him as the Greater Evil. In the run-up to the presidential election, Julian Assange's WikiLeaks released thousands of emails hacked from the email account of John Podesta, chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. The mainstream media (MSM), owned and copakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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