Is our Education framework drives youthful generation towards light ?
From the blog pakteahouse *By Ayoub Khan* [image: education2] The word education has been derived from Latin word "Educare" education of Educare, education and Educare" means to train to bring and to nourish while educare means to lead out, so we can say that education is to bring up, to develop and shaping up the individual talent and his inner potentialities. Aristotle said "Education is a process of creation of sound mind in a sound body". All education is useless until it teaches you the wonderful qualities of yourself. The present education system of our country is exactly the opposite of this phenomenon. The education system of our country is promoting mugging up (Ratta maar) culture, which results in making mentally slaves not intellectual generation. Our education system rewards for scoring mopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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