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17:54 Online Shopping in Pakistan Live

From the Blog pkhope First time ever, there will be a burst of online shopping in Pakistan as the main media groups of Pakistan have joined hands to provide a unique shopping experience to the Pakistanis throughout country from Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Sialkot, Faisalabad and everywhere else. Online Shopping in Pakistan Live is not new for the world in terms of concept but for Pakistanis its unique. From electronics to mobile phones and everything else it will be smashing hit it seems according to the response. Mobile phones, air-conditioners, LED tvs, refrigerators, IPhones, jewellry, garments, medicine, food items, domestic appliances, furniture, shoes, children's goods and toys and clothes for girls and boys and young and old there will be stuff for everybody. Pakistani online shopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 802348548552757416 Pakistani Blog Posts


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