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Finding lost heritage: Pakistan's Sikh legacy

From the Blog beenasarwar *My Personal Political column in Himal Southasian, Aug 3, 2016, published also in Aman ki Asha and TOI blogs, posted here with additional links and visuals.* [image: Author Amardeep Singh shares a story from his travelogue. Photo: Beena Sarwar] Author Amardeep Singh shares a story from his travelogue. Photo: Beena Sarwar Finding lost heritage "If you could visit any place in Pakistan, where would you go?" asks Amardeep Singh whenever he gives a talk to introduce his recently published travelogue Lost Heritage – The Sikh Legacy In Pakistan. The question, aimed primarily at Sikh members of the audience, invariably elicits two answers: Sikh holy places. Their ancestral village. It was the same in Boston on June 18, 2016 at the E-5 Center where Amardeep Singh gave his 42nd such pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

on quetta

From the Blog gsntahir poem by a friend on the carnage in quetta today! pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

'Abdiyet: Dhikr e qalbi

From the Blog ashrafiya [image: waabud2] *Sayyidi wa sanadi* Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve & protect him) instructed, 'The highest level (achieveable for a human being) is to be (a true) slave of Allah. (That is,* 'abdiyet*.) May Allah bestow this to us. (Ameen). In order to facilitate this I suggest doing this excercise. Tell yourself 'O Allah! I am Your slave (*abd*) and You are my Master (*Rabb)*'. Do this repeatedly. Make it a routine habit. Continue doing this excessively until it becomes a spontaneous speech of your heart (and mind).' *Waaz*, 7/8/2016, Masjid, Darul Uloom Karachi, after *asr* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Book Review: "Fallen Leaves", Will Durant

From the Blog pakteahouse *By: Yasir Khan* [image: fallen leaves] The" Fallen leaves", last out of the three posthumous publications of Will Durant, the recipient of the Pulitzer Prize and the Medal of Freedom, was published in 2014. Even though it was conceived around 1960s, the mega project of "the story of civilizations" of Will and Ariel Durant can be considered a reason in its procrastination so long as 50 years! Or perhaps, he was not ready to write a book that would be a handbook for men in 21st century. The minds open to questions often at some point in their life wonder if there exists any document that can reveal all the answers to questions that have been posed for thousands of years, remedies to the ills inflicted upon humans since Adam and Eve, an antidote to un-puzzle the puzzled. In thipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5666212605784007967 Pakistani Blog Posts


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