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First Government Sponsored Terrorism

From the Blog iabhopal I was born on August 06 (I do not say the Day but the Date) on which later was committed the First, the Worst and so far unparalleled Terrorist Act by a Great Country who claims to be Champion of Human Rights and Democracy. So, in stead of celebrating the day, I shed tears every year. The United States concealed its project to develop an atomic bomb under the name "Manhattan Engineer District." Popularly known as the Manhattan Project, it carried out the first successful atomic explosion on July 16, 1945, in a deserted area called Jornada del Muerto ("Journey of the dead") near Alamagordo, New Mexico. *Dropping the First Atomic Bomb* At 2:45 A.M. local time, the Enola Gay, a B-29 bomber loaded with an atomic bomb, took off from the US air base on Tinian Island in the western pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Lifting the veil: Queer life undercover in South Asia

From the Blog beenasarwar[image: AMZ-photo] "Secret" – fine art photo by Ali Mehdi Zaidi *The struggle of Muslim homosexuals in Pakistan, South Asia, or as expatriates is not just about LGBTQ rights but part of the larger fight for inclusion and pluralism within Islam. My essay published in The Boston Globe Ideas section (July 31, 2016) on South Asian and Muslim attitudes towards homosexuality, reproduced below with additional links, info and photos, as well as parts not included in the final published version**. The attack in the Orlando gay nightclub put the spotlight not just on the perpetrator, but his victims — Muslim gay (queer) folk who are particularly vulnerable to homophobia besides facing as Islamophobia in the West, and receiving little or no support from the Muslim community at home and apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4112924041157015695 Pakistani Blog Posts


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