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Does Money Make A Difference to My Child: Yes, the Way in which you Spend It

From the Blog pkhope Money moves in the family from one generation to another and the socio-economic status is transferred like moral values and religious practices. Despite this general observation, we all want our child to be far superior to us; we want them to get a better job, buy a bigger house, and live a more luxurious life. And this is not a sheer wish as I have seen families breaking the barriers and making their children go far ahead of their parents' status. One reason of such uplift is the way the parents managed their resources; these parents maximize the impact of their limited financial resources. Today's article is triggered by a recent research paper in which I looked into parenting practices in seven countries and found that money matters in each of those countries. At the same tipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5270822473865927508 Pakistani Blog Posts


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