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From the Blog urebarifCheck out @onlywreckage's Tweet: Full PostComments

The Infinite Moments

From the Blog noorsplacePeople say writing about a moment makes it infinite. While I couldn't agree more, there are some moments that don't really need to be written about; for they're too whole on their own. They're either too special or just plainly painful. I have my share of those infinite moments, too. Though, honestly, I would only like to write about the ones that were too special. It includes the time I was growing up. Shaping up from the silly 7th grader who only cared about the new Faber Castell classic colors' new collection hitting the store soon to the work-in-progress I am today. As a kid, I remember walking through bookstore and smelling new books that someone would wrap and load in car for me to take home, I remember buying fresh corn grilled on coals that street vendors would be sellingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6783675395425898919 Pakistani Blog Posts


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