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The Pakistani disapora

From the blog pakteahouse *By Ali Bhurgri* [image: From the book "The Struggle for Pakistan"] The country is 68 year old, and the idea of patriotism is confined by a strict narrative of nationalism embedded into people as "not Indian" or a "Muslim" As a kid growing up I was always exhilarated by the idea of nationalism. Wearing a Pakistani flag badge on 14th August was one of the things I waited for throughout the year. There was pride and deep satisfaction in waving the Pakistani flag, as I grew up with time, the idea of nationalism became haunting. I started realizing that not everyone felt the way same as I did. In fact, most felt wronged by the state. The patriotism that I most cheered was hollow from inside, it was nothing but symbolism. Who are we, as a nation bags a deeper question. One wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* *That's what Lahore does,* *Lifts you up amidst the old and the new,* *Qinchis and ricks,* *Reels in 3D downtown,* *Flash n' pomp, the disoriented fake-blonde, Home, hell, Street food whipped in love and grime, Hearts so heavy, Crowns of magnanimity, Streets dogs with God in their eyes, Break, broken, A fat Robin swinging on a loose cable, Red bum flashing, The rains, To start anew! "Garam anday," the boy down the street, Mohallas so dark, they put Hashmi kajal to shame, Lahore, The whore, The beast, Forgiveness and ADD, City in motion, Every nook my postcard.* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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