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Will The Real Estate Agent Of The Future Be A Robot?

From the blog telecompk We have all seen the videos online of robots doing incredible human-like activities, but with increased efficiency; so should we mortal humans be afraid? Lamudi- the global property portal – takes a look at the impact robots will have on real estate. Robotics is the trending topic in technology at the moment, many of the large corporations like Microsoft are trailblazing artificial intelligence (AI) research. The bounty for the first company to really make a dent could be worth a billion dollars. Like with every big advancement in technology there lies proponents on both sides of the fence. On the plus side, as Barack Obama recently signed a memorandum, you have the mesmerizing progressions that will be made possible in healthcare technology. They are now talking about a moonspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Factors for Buy Men's Blazers – An Introduction

From the blog pakistanihousewife To determine the most up-to-date types of *find out about blazers* that are in, it is possible to surf from the various fashion websites about the internet. Another way to be aware of latest fashionable blazers is to go to malls and look at the numerous styles being marketed and showcased by popular brands. Socializing and leafing through fashion magazines may also give you an idea about the latest clothes that happen to be in fashion. A two button sport blazer with flap pockets would really look cool with trousers at the casual gathering. You may also wear a brown or black velvet corduroy sport coat together with you jeans to look stylish and smart at a casual event. Three button velour blazers happen to be in fashion in relation to a friendly along with a comfortable wear. Yopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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