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Get Off My Blog! 10 Ways To Make Me Hate You (Part Two)

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesThis is the internet and I can block people and mute them. I can control, to some extent, who can affect me, and who can't. Of course I'm going to use this privilege, especially when its something I can't exercise in real life. You could tell me to take criticism and disliked opinions in a responsible, adult fashion but amn't I already doing that in my life outside the internet? So yes, take your arguments some place else if you don't want to be blocked or muted. I've already shared before about a couple of types of people that I didn't like. Here are a couple more. Before you go on, continue reading, I just want to remind you that these are all exaggerations. I'm not going to start hating on you if you do anything like that- it's okay to slip up sometimes and I personally have pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Four MAC Lipsticks For Olive Skin Tones

From the Blog jasminecatchesbutterflies [image: Four MAC Lipsticks For Olive Skin Tones] Four MAC Lipsticks For Olive Skin Tones An olive complexion basically has a tinge of green and usually warmer complexions are known for having this but some pale beauties can carry it as well. Olive itself can be classed as an overtone and many a times people with this skin tone experience ashiness. Anyways, now that you know what I mean by olive, I would like to point out that I myself have this skin tone and a lot of Pakistanis and Indians do too. So for the longest of time I hated lipsticks because I never got around trying any that suited me. [image: MAC Pinks and Reds for Olive Complexions] When I first started blogging, MAC was seemingly the daddy of all lipsticks and I would say that a good ol' bullet of MAC still has classpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 281811576712159661 Pakistani Blog Posts


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