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Turkish Chicken Kebabs with Cheese Naans

From the Blog cheflingtales I love Turkish cuisine. It's simple, delicate and infused beautifully on skewers. Every bite fills your mouth with a rainbow of flavors. You just cannot get enough of it. If you happen to go to Turkey, you will see that irrespective of where you eat, the food is delicious – be it a small family-run restaurant or a large hotel, the food is always full of taste. A few months ago, I saw a video showing how to make *Turkish Chicken Kebabs*. The name caught my attention and the very next day I tried the recipe myself. It turned out to be a complete winner for me. Delicious and moist chicken kebabs made with a tasty yet simple yogurt based marinate. The dish did not need much else, really. Turkish kebabs are very different from traditional Pakistani kebabs. The key to authentic Turkpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5972271476102462581 Pakistani Blog Posts


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