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Art Journal Flip Through

From the Blog noorsplacehello errrrrryone! I filmed a vlog today (well technically it was a *today *before clocks hit 12 and date changed IDK now) and cannot wait to share it with y'all. It's an art journal flip through. Before I uploaded this vlog, I showed a clip to my twinnie Areeba and she was like "you look and sound dead". So I hope 1) you don't think the same 2) if you do, pass it cos my blush deceived me and this is how a fasting person looks like anyways (yep it's Ramadan) Sneak peak of journal entries in the vid: *// SPACE //* *// RANDOM ONES //* *// POEM VISUALS (poem found here) //* I have started using more and more of paints with everything I make because there's something so free about them. The freedom that comes with each stroke gives me a sense of relief that *yasss *something is turnipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5361519118613870368 Pakistani Blog Posts


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