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Pakistan's Identity: Religion Trumps Nationality

From the Blog riazhaqOnly 27% of the people in Pakistan identify themselves as Pakistanis first while 51% of Indians see themselves as Indians first. On the other hand, 43% of Pakistanis (vs 17% of Indians) say their religious identity comes first, according to Globescan Survey 2016 conducted in 18 countries including India and Pakistan. *Pakistanis' Self-identification:* The top choice of religion as the dominant identity by 43% of respondents in Pakistan is followed by 27% seeing themselves as Pakistani, 12% picking local community, 11% saying race or culture and 2% claiming global citizenship. Those identifying as Pakistanis is up from 22% in 2011 while those who say they are Muslims first have decreased from a whopping 59% in 2011. *Pakistan Among 3 Stand-outs:* Pakistan is among threpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Karachi Airport. The Bad and the Ugly

From the Blog ppakistanKarachi Airport is the busiest Airport of Pakistan. On my recent flight from Karachi Airport, I feel that the airport needs major refurbishment, uplift and more easier system. As I entered the main departure building, my luggage was first scanned by the scanner machines of the Airport security force. After passing that, I was greeted by Custom Officers who were inquiring me with all sorts of questions like my destination, the purpose of my visit, duration of my visit and my profession. If you are lucky you can pass thru custom officers without having them open your luggage. But if they decide to check your luggage, they will open your luggage on an open type table, infront of several on looking eyes. My luggage and its belongings are very personal and private to me and I do not pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5820282107965973375 Pakistani Blog Posts


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