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“forgetting names, remembering numbers”

From the Blog dannish-dannish Losing a valet full of credit cards, cash, driving license and a pinup picture is worse but losing a mind, full of memories, thoughts, numbers, images and being must be a nightmare. Those were his words, he had suffered a stroke. The limitations of finding words, issues with memory and living a life trying to fill in the blanks, as he summarized it. I am still good with numbers, a voice with a pause claimed, and I did not dared to challenge him. As I spoke with him, his answers were a conversation of less words and more pauses, I saw his affect while struggling to express words to fill in the blanks, a space created by the powerful effect of a stroke which affected the speech center of his brain. To some, forgetfulness is a natural way of not dealing with a situation or even pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6790199434071441737 Pakistani Blog Posts


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