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What NOT to say to Others about you

From the Blog kulsoom Alot of us and specially women tend to degrade ourselves and feel low about ourselves because of the male dominated society that we live in. Some times our parents and family members also teach and preach us not to utter bad words or be disrespectful to men around us. There is a very subconscious behaviour that we tend to develop and linger on to and that is being submissive, self loathing, berating and hating our selves for what we like do or perceive which in fact is something ethically right to do or say. Here are a few sentences that I would recommend each one of you ( Be it a guy or a girl ) not to say out loud in front of ANYONE except to Almighty and your own self. In fact don’t say it to your self either because constantly saying negative words and sentences to one’s sepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7798492350820211268 Pakistani Blog Posts


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