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Dialogue with the deaf

From the Blog iabhopal The recently concluded sixth session of the Pakistan-US Strategic Dialogue in Washington demonstrates yet again that, at least when it comes to nuclear issues, we are engaged in a dialogue with the deaf. Secretary of State John Kerry has once again expressed concerns over Pakistan’s nuclear programme, going beyond earlier demands to cap the programme by calling for a reduction of Pakistan’s nuclear capabilities. And once again, this demand was made without correlating it to similar action by India, in clear disregard for Pakistan’s need to maintain credible deterrence to ensure its security. Kerry was obviously being disingenuous when he cited the example of the US and Soviet Russia reducing their nuclear weapons, which he asked Pakistan to emulate. Unlike the bilateral agreemepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Media figures call for release of Himal Editor Kanak Mani Dixit

From the Blog beenasarwar[image: Kanak 03] Kanak being arrested at a pro-democracy rally in Nepal, 2006. Photo by Shehab Uddin *Press Statement: media figures call for release of Himal Editor Kanak Mani Dixit* New Delhi, April 23 — Editors and media figures as well as intellectuals and scholars from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, UK, US, Australia and Sri Lanka have called for the release of Himal editor and prominent Nepali journalist Kanak Mani Dixit who was arrested yesterday in Katmandu by anti-graft officials. The following is the text of the statement: It is with deep concern that we have learned of the arrest today of Kanak Mani Dixit, the widely respected founder-editor of Himal Media and a courageous voice for transparency, freedom of expression and democratic rights in Nepal and across South Asipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8201084743473336123 Pakistani Blog Posts


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