Scientific Research Imperative for Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Bilal U. Haq Indigenous scientific research is crucial for long-term economic growth and simple transference of technology or buying of expertise has its ultimate developmental limitations. Examples from the hydrocarbon industry clearly illustrate this paradox. Oil-rich developing countries can afford to import expertise with ease, but rarely develop the new technologies needed for the next methodological breakthrough or paradigm shift. Lack of a culture of open scientific enquiry often underlies this failing. For resource-deficient countries this is compounded by dearth of infrastructure and an often-cited reason is unaffordability. Yet, scientific research does not always require large investments of funds, software development is an apt example. Deficit of scientific researpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
The Mobile Wallet that no Mobile Network Operator wants…yet!
From the Blog faisalkhanThe Quest to buy a Wallet Consider the following scenario. Your significant other asks you to go to the mall and buy her a new wallet. You browse through the various collections on display, examining the pockets, the size, the folds, the pouches, how many slots for cards, a transparent leaf for the placement of ID, kids pictures, button closure, etc. You pick one that you think would be practical, pay for it and take it home. Never once did you think about a wallet that was *restricted* in any manner. After all, what is a restricted wallet anyway? Well, let us rewind the situation… your significant other asks you to go purchase a wallet for her. You arrive at the mall and head down to one of the stores that sells women’s wallets. You’re greeted by a sales clerk. She shows ypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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