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Major Powers and Greater Asia: The New Game

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics The Fourth Annual Social Sciences Conference was held at the Lahore School of Economics from the 17th to 18th of March, 2016. The second day of the conference was dedicated to discussion on political and international relations and brought together leading analysts and academics of Pakistan. The title of the conference was “Major Powers and Greater Asia: The New Game”, and the talks were centered around the role of major powers like US and China in South Asia and how Pakistan features into their politics. The keynote speaker was Ambassador (Retd) Riaz Hussain Khokhar, who has served as Foreign Secretary of Pakistan as well as Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US, China and India. The topic and context of the conference was introduced by Prof. Sajjad Naseer, Senior Fellow, Departmenpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Why traditional card scheme acquiring will not work in Pakistan

From the Blog faisalkhan In Pakistan there are four payment gateways: - HBL’s CyberSource (VISA) - MCB MIGS (MasterCard) - UBL’s payment gateway that gets routed via a processor in Dubai - Bank Alfalah MIGS (MasterCard) There was an effort by NIB Bank to acquire MIGS processing services, but VISA would not give acquiring rights to NIB. Infact VISA has made it clear, no more acquiring rights would be offered to other banks in Pakistan. So having said this, I’d like to make a declaration: Traditional Online Acquiring will not work in Pakistan. In fact, if you look back and see the market share of CNP acquiring, it will be dismal. Extremely dismal. The reason all these models will fail in Pakistan, is the whole concept of acquiring (btw, I’m open to take a wager on this). *Acquiring is undpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1732974401950251752 Pakistani Blog Posts


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