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History of Pop Music In Pakistan

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Omar Alavi* [image: music] The popular music in Pakistan developed just like anywhere else in the world. This begs the question fundamentally and primarily: how does one define popular music? Is it the sign of the times or the product of the times one lives in? Popular music just like any other art form is subjective and hard to confine in a genre, people feel satisfied in. In fact popular music is an enigma that keeps the mainstream on its toes. It’s important to understand that popular music is not a genre in itself but more of a hybrid of musical styles that touches a chord with most people. It’s the influences that make up what people call popular music. At one time it was pure classical music. At another time the music was accapela or what people here in Pakistan viepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4401660737163309466 Pakistani Blog Posts


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