EasyPay – The New Payment Ecosystem
From the blog smartchoice EasyPaisa today officially announced the launch of “EasyPay”, the complete payment ecosystem, at Pearl Continental Hotel Karachi. Using just your phone, you can do online shopping at major online stores of Pakistan and even make payments via NFC at retail stores (pilot testing in Islamabad). *What is EasyPay?* EasyPay is an end-to-end payment solution that provides a comprehensive platform for digital payments. It uses EasyPaisa account through Telenor sim for direct payments, completely free, and can also be used through 65,000 EasyPaisa agents across Pakistan. It is also integrated with MasterCard and VISA, allowing you to use your credit card to buy products and make payments. [image: Online payment options with EasyPay] Online payment options with EasyPay *How does it worpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
Belated Spring Sewing 2015
From the blog ummeyusufMy excuse, for neglecting this blog for a month or so, is my being out of sorts. The burn-out left me with little inclination for craft of any kind. However, I had managed to do a few sewing projects prior to that and also cast-on a small knitting project. I will share to sewing projects here. I sewed a couple of tops for my eldest daughter. No pattern, nothing fancy, just a couple of simple cotton tops, embellished with some trims. The second one has a gather below the front placket and a box-pleat at the back. And, because I had some fabric leftover, I stitched a top for the youngest. (A similar pattern/tutorial pinned here.) I am working on another dress at the moment. Hopefully, I have enough fabric to complete it. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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