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The Veiled #Muslim Bogeygirl

From the Blog zainabkhawajaOriginally posted on Building a Common Future: By: Ethar El-Katatney Photo Credit: Time Magazine There are around 800 people attending this forum. Let’s assume half are women. Out of those 400 women, less than half a dozen are veiled. I understand that “we’re” very much a novelty here. And I understand that our presence here…pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Real love—–

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: 6fc03dad634dec95b38f206d0a056eca] A man who treats his relatives well in order to return their good treatment of him shows no real love for them. The man who really shows love for his relatives is one who treats them well despite their being unkind to him. Hadith of Al-Bukhaari pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7470001553115148624 Pakistani Blog Posts


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