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Beware of Public WiFi – 10 Facts

From the blog smartchoice Public WiFi is free hotspot that anyone can connect to without the need of password. You can find such in residential areas (where people forget to put up password), cafes, restaurants, airports, sometimes offices and various areas of cultural/tourist importance. But using public WiFi has its own dangers and pitfalls that you should be aware of. Following are 10 facts you should know about public WiFi: 1. Public WiFi are perfect for various hacks, including Man-in-the-middle attack, that will cause you to lose essential information and data to hackers. 2. You can end up sharing a lot of data with public if you mark public network as private network. Never select Private Network when prompted after successful connection with a new public network. 3. Never pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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