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Chilas: EDIP project dissemination seminar held

From the blog pamirtimes[image: pdcn 2] A dissemination seminar about the three years project Educational Development and Improvement Program (EDIP) in 11 schools of Diamer district was conducted in Chilas. This seminar was attended by about 200 participants including Deputy Director DoE Diamer, head teachers, PDTs, teachers, community members, boy scouts, and media personnel. The seminar was presided over by Mr. Hidayatullah, the Deputy Director Diamer district while Mr. Sultan Alam, the Senior Instructor AKU-IED, PDCN led the programme as chief guest. LRS Head welcomed all the participants in the dissemination seminar. Mr. Sultan Alam, the Senior Instructor AKU-IED, PDCN then highlighted the overall EDIP intervention process. He shared about the initiation of EDIP in all districts and the approachespakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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