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The Android Post

From the blog r2square I’m sitting in my class right now, bored out of my skull, finding new blogs to read on the android app, which ate two of my posts on the tab last evening as they wouldn’t get posted and pushed me into fits of rage. Anyways I seldom miss the “good old days” for I believe future is always better than the past and it is stupid to talk about *getting my childhood back* and the associated crap. Better be wiser if not happier But there is one thing I do miss, my tiny social circle full of people I really was impressed of and relished spending time with. And those were the times Facebook and WordPress were a hell of fun. And I actually *wasted time* there. Then we all got busy and grew up and left =/ me included. I became one hell of an introvert again, borderlining into severe misapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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25% Mothers in Pakistan are active on Internet through Mobile – Mother’s Day Survey

From the blog telecompk UC Browser, having around 28% market share in Pakistan as of the end of April 2015 as per StatCounter, has released results of their special online survey held on the Mother’s Day. UCWeb conducted the survey using its flagship product UC Browser along with other social media channels. Here are the key findings: - *42.1% never celebrated Mother’s Day before* - *Over 75% said “I love you”**to **their **mom * - *34.6% give their mother a gift** on Mother‘s Day* - *More than 57% of respondents think Mother’s Day is more important than Father’s Day* - *32% people give flowers to their mothers* According to this survey, approximately 42% of the respondents believe the importance of Mother’s Day but eventually never participated in any way. A massive 57% of respopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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