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Karachi Bus Massacre: An Elegy for our Souls

From the Blog pakistaniaat That four Pakistanis boarded a bus and methodically executed 45 of their fellow citizens is a fact. That it is an atrocity against humans and humanity in general and the Ismailia community in particular is also a fact. Facts are always easier to grasp, as they leave gruesome clues to their own existence. It is when we look behind the facts, when we try to grasp the underlying genealogy of an atrocity that we enter the murky terrain of human nature and the cosmic puzzles about the corruption of our souls. We are long past the stage of asking the “why” question. We need to delve into the frightening and perilous terrain of the ‘what” question. Yes! What causes the kind of degradation of soul that its human embodiment, the subject of violence, can so easily, precisely, and methodpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1569098055280038797 Pakistani Blog Posts


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