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Baharia Town is not for hard earning middle class

From the Blog hallopakistan *Yesterday I was with some budding real state Caesars in Islamabad who were discussing what would be best area to invest or make future home in twin cities. All these guys are from diversified professional background but came from middle class families who believe money can only be earned by sheer hard work. Despite lot of opportunities they still are carrying their parent’s legacy at least in financial matters. However, things are drastically changed in a decade or so with no concept of public sector education for children, moving with family in public transport or going to government hospitals for checkups. In addition, there is more pressure to maintain standard of living as people around you are not those who think hostelling once in a month and having car at home is luxury.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5166466926177830996 Pakistani Blog Posts


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