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Ammu Kannampilly and Tulsi Gautam

From the Blog newsGeorge Foulsham: I tried to get up and it flattened me again," Singapore-based marine biologist George Foulsham told AFP at base camp. "I couldn´t breathe, I thought I was dead, according to The News International. When I finally stood up, I couldn´t believe it passed me over and I was almost untouched." A spokesman for Nepal´s tourism department, which issues the permits to climb Everest, saidpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Progress: The signposts

From the Blog ashrafiya The seeker continued, All praise is for Allah. It is Allah’s beneficence. With your blessed company, instructions and attention I have an idea of the required standard of religiosity and awareness of Allah (*taqwa*) for a seeker. (Sadly) this lowly writer is devoid of an iota of it. Allah save me from not being thankful. Because of you the saying of Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Allah have mercy on him) stays afresh in mind that (paraphrased) We have seen real men. No cattle can fool us by claiming to be human. I feel ashamed telling others about my relationship with you. This is because that by seeing my poor condition they may form a unbecoming opinion about you and are thus barred from benefiting from you. How insignificant am I and (all of) my opinions! Indeepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2181481026029572754 Pakistani Blog Posts


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