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Jovago Meetup Held in Lahore

From the Blog telecompk “ is an enterprise that aspires to support and promote the tourism industry in Pakistan. Unfortunately, tourism in Pakistan has been on a decline for years and at the moment Pakistan is getting only ten percent of the total tourism in south Asia and the declining tourism industry of Pakistan is finally on a rise now, so we hope to bring it back to being a popular tourist destination” commented Mrs. Nadine Malik Almani, the Country Manager of Jovago at a meet and greet with the media and bloggers on Saturday in Lahore. is a website that allows customers from around the world to book hotels online. A popular site; it aims to encourage and support the expansion of Pakistan’s tourism industry on the whole. As the age of information takes over, Pakistan is incrpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8448063244209051702 Pakistani Blog Posts


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