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Rusting Cogs.

From the Blog maryamrezaEvery single morning, I wake up with my head full of things that should never be there. Full of people who shouldn't exist for me anymore. I'm counting the days to when that finally ends. Otherwise, I'm pretty much stuck with this endless despair that I keep trying to fight off and right now, it's a losing battle. Please stop. I've had enough, really. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Pakistan Launches World's Largest and Fastest Biometric Data Collection Effort

From the Blog riazhaqPakistan has started verifying identities of over 135 million cell phone users through fingerprints. The massive exercise is being described by Washington Post as the "world’s largest — and fastest — efforts to collect biometric information". The deadline for completion in March 14, 2015. Several countries, including South Africa and India, have recently implemented broad systems for collecting and storing their citizens biometric information. But analysts and communications experts say they can’t recall a country trying to gather biometrics as rapidly as Pakistan is doing, according to the Washington-based American newspaper. In addition to setting up biometric verification systems at tens of thousands of retail points run by carriers, the cellphone companies have launched mapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5814177253515888884 Pakistani Blog Posts


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