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Murder of Rationality

From the Blog pakteahouse [image: Roy] *Raza Habib Raja* Bangladesh and Pakistan are similar and yet different. They are similar as both of them are Muslim countries and both have Islamists in their midst. And yet they are different as the latter is definitely more embroiled in Islamic extremism than the former. Bangladesh to be fair is a more moderate country compared to Pakistan. And this moderation owes to many factors. Bengalis are foremost nationalists and this characteristic to some extent acts as a counter balance to emergence and possible dominance of Islamic identity. Moreover Bangladesh is also ethnically more homogeneous compared to Pakistan which naturally reduces the need to use Islam as a “unifying force”. Bangladesh’s creation and the justifying narrative are based on ethnicity and conpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1571563978373562737 Pakistani Blog Posts


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