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Aamir Liaquat: Mullahs and Scapegoating of Ahmadiyya Community

From the Blog pakistaniaat [image: AamirLiaquat]It seems that in the aftermath of Peshawar Massacre, now that the hate-mongering mullahs and their followers are facing the wrath of the Pakistani public, the mullahs and their follower have now started blaming and scapegoating the minorities. It is no surprise then that, once gain, the Ahmadiyya community, the most peaceful and patriotic “minoritized” group in Pakistan, is once gain being scapegoated. In a TV show on December 22, the Geo TV host, Aamir Liaquat, invited three “scholars” to his show who went on to suggest that instead of the Taliban, the Ahamdis were a threat to Pakistan. This is wrong on so many levels, least of all under the normal journalistic ethic. This kind of hate speech about already marginalized communities has gone on for too longpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3600827637825062799 Pakistani Blog Posts


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