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Democracy’ Are we?

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Wahab Butt* A parliamentary democracy such as Pakistan which runs on common law principles has to abide by 3 core principles to function properly: the separation of powers, the sovereignty and supremacy of parliament and the rule of law. The separation of powers between legislature and executive in Pakistan is an eyewash, thanks to the parliament that has confined its role to rubber stamping the decisions made by executive and which has proved itself unable to force the executive to follow its resolutions. This sluggish role of parliament has also undermined its authority entitled to it under the constitution of Pakistan. Lets take the example of the ban on youtube. The ban on youtube was enforced by executive after the order from the court. But when in May this year, the pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8789264672071323084 Pakistani Blog Posts


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