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The Khan Enigma

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Waqas Habib Rana* [image: Imran Khan2] How is it possible that Imran Khan openly calls upon the “umpire” to help him oust an elected Prime Minister and gets away with such a treasonous act, how can a political leader ask for unconstitutional help in a democracy and still enjoys a major public support? Well, let us see who to blame for that. There are two major political entities in Pakistan; Pakistan People’s Party and Pakistan Muslim League (N) – they were busy fighting each other in the Nineties and later they took the fight to the dictator in the following decade- and after the dictator’s removal they settled down to govern the country “democratically”- we all know how bad the governance was by PPP- now the question is did they ever think about taking the masses into pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* Life is reckless, And strange, Like a river, Raging, Like a monk, At times, Still, still, still, And quiet, And lonesome, And full, Life is funny, Loves become strangers, Strangers, Your teachers, People wear masks, And that’s what can be scary, Who are you, And I, Who am I? My father told me, Child, You can love anyone, Anyone, But only if you try. Life is hunger, The constant seeking, But too many carbs can make you fat, So stay half-hungry, Keep seeking. [image: buddha-warhol] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4315529125480467592 Pakistani Blog Posts


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