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Lumia Cyan Update Roll Out Begins in Pakistan

From the Blog telecompk The Lumia Windows Phone 8 range of devices will receive the Lumia Cyan software, which is the new Windows Phone 8.1 update. The Lumia Cyan upgrade comes loaded with better features that will surely amplify your experience on your Lumia device. If you were craving to have more of your favourite apps on the home screen, your wait is finally over. With the Lumia Cyan update, add a customized third column full of your favourite apps. An Action Center can be dragged with one swipe from the top, which acts as a mini dashboard to make your Lumia experience even faster. The Action Center helps you customize your settings and gives you app notifications, Wi-Fi status and Flight mode. With Wi-Fi Sense, users can now hook onto free Wi-Fi hotspots around the world, thus being connected whpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4771641821641901331 Pakistani Blog Posts


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